Some systems are experiencing issues

LetsHost Status

The LetsHost platform is continuously monitored for outages, slowdowns, or other issues. If there are any service interruptions, the details will be posted here. You can subscribe above to receive notifications of issues.

Past Incidents

Thursday 13th March 2025

Shared Servers Migration Notice -

01:29 - Migration is now complete.

01:01 - Migration is still underway and will be due to complete within 30-40 minutes.

00:31 - The migration is anticipated to take longer to complete than estimated but we will update at 1am or if this has completed fully.

22:00 - Scheduled migration for the server is currently underway as per previous communication by email. We anticipate that this will take 2-3 hours to fully complete without downtime and will update this status once fully switched over.

If you experience any issues, please submit a ticket on

Wednesday 12th March 2025

Shared Servers lh15 Migration Notice

22:07 Migration of server lh15, is starting now 01:43 Migration is completed. If you experience any issues please log a ticket at